Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chess and Checkers House,

Central Park NYC

In response as to when life begins.

First, I must apologize for this impropriety, for I own neither a typewriter, nor computer, or twitter.

I used to read the Science Section, but on the anniversary of Mr. Einstein's Theory, a letter stating that our Father does not play dice with the Universe, because He does not exist appeared in the letters to the Editor. I hardly think a letter declaiming what took place in Germany in the early Forties would make it's way to the Times.

Redemption is in in order.

The argument is mute. They say that when it's in a woman it is not a human being. It's true. It is, however, the epitome of our existence: a soul.

Therefor, the very act of disturbing it's journey from His domain into ours is an act of travesty, weather he or she got there by the beautiful embrace of marriage with love or perverted tragedy.

It is collicuide: the collective thwarting of a soul from entering this world.

It's all there at the first moment. Who you were and who you are. Your personality, your likes, your dislikes. Thumb to index, we were all that big. O.K.? There's something said through Isaiah, about blood being on your skirts, and now I run like a mad woman...

Today, virgin snow fell. Now it's a light rain, with the cold napping at my fingers. All life is precious. You have a president who ran around the White House with a newspaper killing flies. He did so with relish on national t.v. While that insect is rather repulsive, there was no clause attached to the commandment.

And the thought that there is consideration as to sending more young people overseas should give pause.

It is not the ant hills of the world that the United States, the greatest country that ever was or ever shall be must be concerned with.

It's the blackness within, that blinds us and robs us of the love that is our true inalienable right.

I kind of miss the Science Section. Seeing all the new stuff that He has man discover, and the things He withholds. How we spent thousands of years to escape the weather, only to fear it, to fall upon the strength of the sun for our energy needs, and to inherent the wind.

If we can learn to reach within, to uncover His light, to learn to quit tearing atoms apart and looking to the rest of the world for help--then perhaps we will find how to put them together and be one.

This is all His will. No person who comes or goes is without His own personal touch. The horror in Europe took place by design. They made it through the tunnel, though. And for a short while they laughed, and they cried. And when it was over the leaders of that dastardly act were hung.

And while you can't buy your way into Heaven, anyone whose seen the film Schindler's List knows you purchase your way out of various parts of Hell.

This country can be redeemed. It can reach within and find greatness. And just as when Washington told the Brit at Yorktown he can keep his sword, the world will once again look upon this place, the New World, that He promised, with awe and bewilderment.

And We will be ready for a New Heaven.


Author's note:

I have been living outdoors for the past seven years.
Please don't drop the H-word. I have a home.